GTalk... Everybody knows about it. I mean everybody who is using internet. Its very hard for anyone to use internet and not fall in the google trap. It happened with me too.
Back in college when GMail account was available only on invitation, it used to be a good thing to have one. Quite reasonable given that it was offering 1GB mail-space compared to meagre 15MB hotmail that time. I don't remember which came next Orkut or Gtalk or this blogger. But somehow it happened that I used the same id to open orkut account, then to talk on Gtalk and then to write blogs too.
Sometimes it comes to my mind how vulnerable we are becoming on internet giving so much data to one particular company. (Food for thoughts ??) Anyways thats not why I am writing this blog.
Yesterday I was chatting with one of my old schoolmate on GTalk and got surprised by seeing his status message on the same. It was..
When They Asked Me What I Love Most About My Life, I Smiled And Said YOU!
Knowing that he cant write this kind of heavy stuff by his own and also after ending my curiosity about his being Mr. Lovelace, I did some google and in process read some of the most amazing one liners, which I thought to share with you on this blog space. I call them SENTI stuff and am pretty sure even you feel the same whenever you witness something similar in any movie or any romantic novel.
Some of them are....
One day u will ask me: Wat is more important to u, me or ur life? I will say: My life… u will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!