Nov 29, 2008


This week, it will be books. My last read was "Hotel" by Arthur Halley. It was unique in terms of it's fantastic  detailed description of a  Hotel.

Schedule for next week is,

"You are here" by Meenakshi Reddy
"The Google Story" by David Vise
"Sign of the Cross" by Chris Kuzneski

If possible I'll also try to understand some of the theories behind the demography of the world by reading "Human Geaography" by Majjid Hussain.

Definitely Maybe -N- Yuvraj

Movies seen over last six days,

Yuvraj :  Went all the way to Inorbit to watch this gem. Six other people in the group expressed their dislike, in and out of theatre, in low to medium voices. Don't know why, but I did not dislike it. I wont say that it was a great movie, but it was okay to watch. I liked it's esthetics. Though somebody suggested that its a movie for people who like the art of filmmaking, not the film necessarily :P

What happened in Vegas : So-so types.