Oct 26, 2008

Roadside Romeo

Just returned after watching “Roadside Romeo”. It was an OKAY experience, if not great. Earlier, we reached Oberoi with no hopes of getting the tickets for this movie, today being Saturday evening. To our surprise, we got the tickets and soon realized that you can count the number of people on your fingertip, again not expected for a Yashraj movie. The animation was excellent and there is no denial this movie will initiate high quality animation import to Bollywood and very soon we can expect “Finding Nemo” and “Ratatouille” in Hindi, made in India though. Considering that it was first of its kind, I tried to overlook the overdone Clichés and its straight line plot.

It has the best animation seen in Indian cinema so far. If the plot had been as good, the film would have been world class. I liked the repeated telecast of Big Boss on Colors though.